Rotary Club of Parksville A.M.

Rotary Club of Parksville A.M Vancouver Island Now the tourist guide to Vancouver IslandRotary Club of Parksville A.M. provides service to our community and advances world understanding by building on the strengths of our members.

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The Rotary Club of Parksville AM is doing a fundraiser which is a 50/50 raffle.  Only 4000 tickets have been printed, and each ticket costs $5.  If we sell all 4000 tickets, the winner will receive $10,000.  If we sell less than that, the winner will receive 50% of whatever amount is raised.  The draw will be on Wednesday September 2nd  2015, 8 am at The Beach Club Resort in Parksville.

If you are willing to buy a ticket or tickets, I would  be pleased to arrange to have them delivered.  Please just reply to this email and I will then call and set up a convenient time. 

Rotary Club of Parksville A.M Vancouver Island Now the tourist guide to Vancouver IslandHighlights of our last Rotary year include 14 members travelling (at their own cost) to Mexico where they built a house and furniture for a family and provided basics such as bedding, kitchen equipment and school supplies.  At Christmas time, the local school was provided with equipment, books, and writing materials.  We also worked in Haiti to provide a water cistern for a mountain top school which previously had no water supply.  And in Ghana, we worked with the local Rotary Club to build a corn mill to support women’s economic development.


Rotary Club of Parksville A.M Vancouver Island Now the tourist guide to Vancouver IslandLocally we did a “Quick Check Health Day for Men”, focused on the homeless and low income men – yes, prostate screening was a part of it.  We worked with Ballenas to start an Interact Club, and continued to provide two $1200 scholarships to Ballenas students.  Coats for Kids kept us busy in October and November; we assisted the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in several ways, including building a new wild turkey shed; we supported children from Oceanside and Springwood elementary schools to go to camp; and more.

This fundraiser will help us to continue projects such as those listed above, and to further the humanitarian work of Rotary both locally and internationally.

Contact information  – Diana Matsuda

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